I am loving all that honesty has to give. Since I have noticed I am fearful of honesty in many ways I wanted to know how I can be with/ practice/ encourage honesty in myself. So I asked Holy Spirit for ways I can come to know honesty as a quality of love. After this list, I really do want to know honesty. In all things. This honesty, I can trust, allow and welcome.
100 Ways To Know Honesty As A Quality Of Love
- Listen
- Don’t interrupt
- Trust the moment
- Notice my heart beat
- Extend trust to being honest
- Practice to taking time to answer
- Remember I always have everything I need
- Look for honesty every day
- Acknowledge honesty in self & others
- Notice how honesty is expressed
- Look for the quality of honesty in art
- Learn what honesty really is
- Ask HS every day how to extend honesty
- Notice at the end of the day what my own experience of honesty was like
- Instead of offering “tea & sympathy”, offer “tea & honesty”
- See honesty as my friend
- Trust honesty to lead the way
- Breathe deeply & quietly when honesty meets me where I am
- Allow the miracle of honesty to unfold without plan or effort
- Give honesty a chance
- Give room for others to be honest
- Welcome honesty
- Allow honesty
- Encourage honesty
- When honesty flows, if there is discomfort or pain, ask for guidance
- Honesty loves you
- Honesty is being what is
- Honesty is a way to see
- Honesty holds a place for truth & light
- Truth is eternal; honesty is this moment; light is what already is
- Honesty is an integral quality of clarity
- Clarity allows energy to flow
- Honesty illuminates the desire for awareness
- Honesty ignites the delight in clarity
- Honesty is powerful
- Honesty notices creation
- Honesty IS seeing
- Honesty leads to spaciousness & ease
- Honesty is directly connected to awareness
- Ask yourself each day: what do I need to be honest about & in today?
- Honesty feels refreshing
- An honest days work is one way to view forgiveness
- Honesty must be present in forgiveness for healing to occur
- Forgiveness is what allows honesty to do its great work of healing & illumination
- Honesty IS
- Honesty is not just one way of looing at things
- Honesty is what holds creation in check
- When honesty is allowed free & welcome reign there will be no more wars
- When you allow honesty to freely flow in your own life you will no longer need control & defense for safety
- Honesty is your safety
- Clean or dirty can be honest
- Happy or sad can be honest
- Rich or poor can be honest
- Open or closed can be honest
- Good or bad can be honest
- Honesty is what notices what actually is
- Honesty delights in what is
- Honesty is feared not so much for its illumination of truth but for its infinite power
- Honesty IS already in all things in all places
- Honesty is what helps you practice your awareness of this truth
- Honesty reveals what is already fully present
- Honesty does not invent or create
- Honesty clarifies, demystifies, & defogs instantly
- This is why honesty is feared; it is the great awakening
- You can cultivate delight in honesty by allowing it to be fully present in your awareness every day
- Honesty is a flavor of kindness
- As kindness is a flavor of honesty
- True kindness is also honest
- True honesty is also kind
- Questions are all asking for honesty
- Allow honesty to answer
- When you feel lack of clarity ASK HONESTY to speak through you
- When you don’t understand another, ASK HONESTY to speak through them
- Honesty pleases itself
- ASK HONESTY how can this answer/outcome please me?
- When you don’t want to do something ASK HONESTY to explain and guide
- Honesty itself needs no explanation
- Allow silence to work with honesty to create true clarity
- Honesty is Friend to All
- All paths lead to honesty
- Honesty is not just good policy it is a scientific law of the universe
- The universe can only be honest
- Honesty frees what IS from it’s prison of what is not
- Honesty is manna & living water
- Honesty is the blood of life nourishing all creation
- Honesty is a workhorse
- Use honesty as an instant clarifying tonic
- Those who you see as most difficult in your life are calling for honesty in all things
- Honesty is the gift of Heaven on earth
- Honesty includes all
- Honesty is your birthright
- Allow honesty & gentleness to realign your thinking once & for all
- Daily honesty is the greatest gift you can give to those who love you
- Celebrate honesty wherever you find it
- Give honesty as a gift, treasure & precious sharing
- Honesty does not need to include suffering
- If suffering is present ASK where else & how else you can allow honesty to be present
- Honesty both leads the way & places soft stepping stones & lamplight in your path
- Honesty revels in what IS without any desire to change it
- Honesty is the gift of giving your self to your Self
This is a great and helpful list for me to reflect on.
Good medicine!
I think I could “take two” from this list each day myself, and transform my my life in every moment. 🙂 xoxo